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Australasian Cochrane Centre
Co-ordinates Cochrane activities in Australasia, and provides training and support to those doing Cochrane reviews.
Cochrane Collaboration
Information about the Cochrane Collaboration, including details of Cochrane Groups and Centres, and resources to support people conducting reviews.
Cochrane Primary Health Care Field
Promotes the interests of primary care clinicians within the Cochrane Collaboration and produces summaries of Cochrane reviews (PEARLS) relevant to primary care.
Cochrane Consumer Network
The Cochrane Collaboration’s consumer site. Provides information on the role of health consumers, patients and the general public in the work of the Cochrane Collaboration. Contains a short introduction to the Cochrane Collaboration, systematic reviews and the Cochrane Library.
The Commonwealth government’s internet gateway to quality information for Australians.
Informed Health Online
Provides information and resources to enable people to keep up-to-date with reliable, evidence-based information. The site contains summaries of Cochrane reviews organised by broad topics or an A-Z list. Research information is enriched by interviews with patients, quizes, films, decision aids and general background articles on health topics.
James Lind Library
Illustrates the evolution of fair tests of treatments from 2000 BCE to the present. The James Lind Library contains key passages and images from manuscripts, books and journal articles, many of them accompanied by commentaries, biographies, portraits, and other relevant material.

National Institute of Clinical Studies (NICS)
Works in partnership with consumers, health professionals and organisations, researchers and governments in Australia to close the gaps between evidence and clinical practice.
Netting the Evidence
Provides links to a vast range of evidence-based practice resources.
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Provides access to several databases to support evidence-based practice (e.g. DARE) and resources for those conducting systematic reviews.
Wiley InterScience
Publisher of the Cochrane Library. Provides web-based access to publications from Wiley and features over 1000 journals, major reference works and online books.

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